“That’s it,” she says, “we’re friends now. When she realises that he’s been kept from his heritage and his magic, she flies off the rails with anger. He stares at her, and then says, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what that is.” She gets offended, but they haltingly talk it out, awkward and stilted like most eleven year olds. He is approached by Parvati on the second night, and she asks him if he’s excited for Ganpati Chaturthi. He comes to Hogwarts, and there are so many colours. Harry sits in the corner and turns his face away, a secret grin playing on his lips. The next day, the boy turns up to school with black skin. “You blend right into the mud,” Piers laughs at him. When Harry is eight, Dudley and his gang throw him in a ditch and throw dirt and soil on him till he’s coughing and tears are running down his face.
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He didn’t understand it why did they think the colour of his skin meant that he was inferior to them? He heard the words chee-chee and brownie thrown around like Dudley threw his food, and quietly pulled his shirt tighter around himself. The first time he noticed people sneered at him for it was when he was five and a half. The first time Harry noticed his skin was darker than the people on Privet Drive was when he was four. At some point I might do the rest of his years but yeah. Okay this got too long so it’s only Harry’s first year at Hogwarts. Hey I absolutely adore your Indian James headcanons can you do some for Harry too please <33

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He discovered the genre at some point in high school and simply decided to adapt his whole style to it. Present Mic is part of the punk scene.

Here’s a list of headcanons for Yamada Hizashi - Present Mic I’ve never used and never will, but I don’t want to leave them sitting on the shelf: