You can also customize the toolbar to add buttons to trigger the Push Text commands.Īlternatively, you can drag and drop text from the PDF directly into the TOC. These commands will push and insert the selected text into the TOC, relative to the currently selected TOC item, if any. When text is selected in the PDF, two commands under the Outline menu become active: (1) Insert Selection as Sibling and (2) Insert Selection as Child. This feature is implemented using both the menu and drag-and-drop. The Push Text feature allows you to select any text in the PDF and quickly insert it into the Table of Contents (TOC). When using MiniTOC, the entire selected text is treated as a single TOC item and a similar pattern (including font irregularities) is searched through the PDF. When the font information in the PDF has “irregularities” such that parsing the fonts using AutoTOC leads to situations where heading text is split up over 2 or more TOC items.Use MiniTOC to extract all occurrences of that heading into a list. When AutoTOC ignores a particular heading style because its frequency is relatively too low or too high.
When the PDF has “running headings” with a mix of closely-matched font styles as often found in financial reports.
To extract a long list of headings which all use the same font, in preparation for using the manual editing commands provided by PDFOutliner to convert a list of TOC items into a structured hierarchy. To generate a focused list of items such as Table of Figures or markup such as “Tips/Notes/Warnings” or any such identifiable content in the PDF which uses distinctive font(s). In such situations, select the text including both fonts and run the MiniTOC command to build a list of large font followed by small font patterns in the PDF. Proteins” where the font for “Ch 6” may be larger than the font of the rest of the chapter title. When a heading is not a single font but a combination of fonts - for example “Ch 6. The MiniTOC command always results in a list. MiniTOC does not build a hierarchy of TOC items. PDFOutliner will interpret the “sequence of fonts” in the user-selected text, and then parse the entire PDF document to build a list of similar text patterns. The user must first select some text in the PDF, and then invoke the MiniTOC feature via the Outline menu > MiniTOC command. MiniTOC is a pattern-matching feature for generating a list of TOC entries. PDFs related to financial reports where font differences may be minimal and font characteristics such as all capitals or small caps are used to visually identify “heading” fonts.
PDFs with scanned or even OCR content because font information is either missing or inadequate to decipher a structure for the PDF.Use the AutoTOC feature in PDFOutliner to quickly reconstruct the TOC for the extracted pages. Typically, you will lose any navigable TOC embedded in the PDF.
If you have PDF for professional use such as handbooks and reference manuals, you may wish to extract chapters and sections using the OS X Preview application. If the original content uses different fonts for various headings, you can use AutoTOC feature in PDFOutliner to quickly parse the PDF and automatically build a TOC. In such cases, the generated PDF does not have a TOC. You can create a PDF from many Mac applications using the OS X “Save as PDF…” command. In such PDFs, the fonts used for headings and body text are clearly distinguishable which enables PDFOutliner to extract the TOC structure by interpreting font information. PDFs produced by a word processing or page layout application such as Word 2011 for Mac, Pages ’09, or InDesign CS6. This feature is available via the Outline menu > AutoTOC… command. PDFOutliner will analyze the range of fonts used in the PDF, and attempt to tease out a hierarchy of headings. AutoTOC is an automated way to generate a TOC for your PDF.